Probate and Estate Administration in New Jersey
Experts in New Jersey Probate and Estate administration
If you have been named the executor or administrator of someone’s estate, initial consultation with a lawyer can save you from making costly errors. The law firm of Bratton Law Group will provide you the guidance you need to ensure that you are on the right path.
In some cases, initial consultation with an experienced probate and estate administration lawyer is all an executor needs. In other cases, the executor may need assistance and advice throughout the probate process. It’s important to note that there is much the executor can do on his or her own, and there is much an attorney can do to make the process more efficient and less stressful.
Bratton Law Group Assists Clients in Many Probate/Estate Administration Matters, including:
- Determining the appropriate tax forms to file
- Determining whether federal or New Jersey estate and inheritance tax returns need to be filed
- Advising executors about what steps must be taken to fund any trust in a will
- Advising the executor on how to appropriately handle charitable beneficiaries. For example, few people are aware that the New Jersey Attorney General’s Office must be notified when there is a charitable beneficiary.
- If the deceased person had a trust instead of a will, advising the Trustee on the appropriate manner of distribution
- Advising executors concerning their responsibilities in terms of preserving the estate during the time period when assets are being gathered and distributed
- Assisting the executor with the formal or informal accounting that needs to be prepared before the estate has been distributed to the appropriate beneficiaries
- Protecting the executor through a release and refunding bond, which must be signed by beneficiaries
- Representing the executor or estate in any litigation or other controversy that arises during the probate process, such as will contests
Speak with the Skilled Probate Lawyers at Bratton Law Group
For more information about probate and estate administration, or to schedule a consultation, contact Bratton Law Group at 856 770 2744 or by filling out our convenient online form. We have offices in Haddonfield, Linwood, Ewing, New Jersey, and Philadelphia. We serve clients in all neighboring locations and will come to your location when necessary. Here for clients in cities like Princeton, Cherry Hill, Medford, and Mount Laurel.