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Why is it Important to Hire an Experienced Short Sale Attorney?

The current real estate market is unlike any we have ever seen. Real estate values endured a roller coaster ride during the past decade, leaving many homeowners currently owing more than their home is worth. This trend, coupled with the global economic crisis has created an unprecedented volume of properties in Foreclosure, leaving homeowners asking […]

Why is it Important to Hire an Experienced Short Sale Attorney? Read More »

Government Wants to Turn Foreclosures into Rentals?

CNN Money recently posted an article explaining the government’s hope to launch a pilot program to turn government owned foreclosures into rentals properties. The program, cited by Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke, would sell foreclosed homes currently owned by Frannie Mae and Freddie Mac in bulk to investors, who would then turn them into rentals.

Government Wants to Turn Foreclosures into Rentals? Read More »