Arizona the latest states seeking a waiver from the requirement that states provide three months of retroactive Medicaid coverage to eligible Medicaid recipients.
Under Medicaid law, states are required to provide coverage to Medicaid applicants for up to three months prior to the month of the application if the applicant met the eligibility requirements for Medicaid during these months. This retroactive eligibility provides financial protection to many families as they await approval for their Medicaid applications. Usually, the need for nursing home care can come on suddenly for many aging individuals and preparing a Medicaid application can be a complicated process. Retroactive coverage ensures that applicants can get coverage dating back to when their loved one first entered the nursing home if they would have been Medicaid eligible.
A growing number of states are requesting a waiver to eliminate the retroactive benefit. So far, several states including Iowa, Kentucky, Indiana, and New Hampshire have already received approval to waive retroactive coverage from the Federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).
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Overall, Medicaid coverage keeps applicants form incurring high medical bills prior to the month of application. Retroactive eligibility plays a crucial role for those facing sudden catastrophic illness or injury and without this safety net many families will be burdened with uncovered medical bills that they cannot afford.
The time to plan is before a catastrophic event occurs. Call the experienced attorneys at Bratton Law Group for a consultation regarding your options for planning at 856 770 2744
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