According to a recent article published by the, more and more real estate agents are turning to local attorneys to make their short sales and foreclosures process go as smoothly as possible.
As the article points out, these transactions require preparation and constant communication with the bank that owns the property. An attorney who specializes in this area has the experience and expertise necessary to work directly with the banks, negotiate a deal, and expedite the sale.
Two additional advantages of working with an attorney is the flexibility it allows the Realtor to spend time doing other things like working with their clients, and last, the bank pays the legal fees at closing so it won’t cost the client any money! At Bratton Law Group we will not receive compensation unless we are sitting next to you at a successful real estate closing.
These types of transactions can sometimes be long and complicated; however, if the process is done correctly from the beginning it can go smoothly!
For a legal consultation, call 856 770 2744
To begin short sale negotiations, Bratton Law Group requires a complete short sale package, which will allow your attorney to clearly illustrate your financial picture for the short sale lender. You can download Bratton Law Group’s free Short Sale Packet here.  Contact us today to learn how Bratton Law Group can work on your behalf, at no cost to you. 856 770 2744.
Call 856 770 2744 or complete the Contact us form