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Author name: Bratton Law Group

Why Would Someone Need a Durable Power of Attorney?

There are several situations where someone may need a power of attorney. Some of the reasons for a power of attorney include granting someone the ability to act on another person’s behalf such as in managing finances, making healthcare decisions, and conducting real estate or other transactions. At any time, an individual may choose to

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Communicating with Dementia: What Caregivers Need to Know

Dementia is a term used to describe symptoms related to a decline in memory, communication and thinking abilities which are severe enough to impact a person’s ability to do daily activities. Alzheimer’s Disease as explained by the Alzheimer’s Association accounts for 60 to 80% of cases of dementia. Some other causes are Parkinson’s disease, traumatic

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What Does Long Term Care Really Cost in New Jersey?

Long term care refers to the treatment a person needs for a long debilitating illness, a significant disability or other disorders limiting their ability to care for themselves. Long term care includes skilled nursing care, rehabilitation, hospice, respite, adult day care, residential and assisted living as well as home care. The need for this level

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American Heart Month: Keeping the Senior Heart Healthy

February is American Heart Month and keeping the senior heart healthy requires proper nutrition and exercise. Seniors are at an increased risk of heart disease. The American Heart Association reports that approximately 69% of seniors between the ages of 60 to 79 years have some form of heart disease. For seniors and their caretakers understanding

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